Thursday 16 April 2009

Expect more Blogs...

Looks like I am going to lose my job, which really, really, sucks. However, something's gotta fill my time.
I have a few ideas what to do, but I think I'm going to put a lot more time into Blogging. Nothing particular to blog about, being at home all day, but just what's on my mind.

The company I work for, is all about ethics, I was under the impression they really cared for their employees. But the way it was handled, telling us by e-mail we'd be laid off, was very cowardly and uncaring in my opinion.

I've decided that I'll take the free time I've been gifted and will record my own album. Did a novelty rap song last summmer, that turned out more of a success than I anticipated. I can't share it because it has a very specific lyrics and you wouldn't understand it unless you knew about a certain "incident" that happened a while ago in a friend of mine's personal life.

Haha, jokes aside, the people that did understand the situation found it really clever and apparently, I have a decent rap voice. I've always tried to be a scratch DJ but rapping over an instrumental beat just comes more naturally to me.

I'm not about guns and hoes, non of that bollocks. I live in a smalll village, I don't see any of that. I rap about real things, they may be boring, but I make them flow and apparently it goes ok.

So watch out, there'll be a link to a myspace once I've set things up.

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