Thursday 16 April 2009

Caspa - Everybody's Talking, Nobody's Listening

So, finally, Caspa's brought the long awaited album out.

Yawn, to be honest.

Yes, there are some good tracks on there, but they aren't fresh, we all heard them ages ago when they were released on LP. The new tracks are inimaginative, grinding out the same beats and it just makes the album not worth buying.

I haven't dared spend money on the album, I've streamed the tracks when I was considering buying it, I'm glad I did too. Why would you buy an album where all the tracks you like on it are already on your hard drive, or even in your record crate?

I strongly believe that dubstep works a lot better in a mix anyway, it just flows better, I started listening through mixes and I will continue that way, it's difficult to appreciate a track completely on its own.

So, I wouldn't really recommend Caspa's album, especially if you already have Caspa & Rusko's Fabric, and regularly visit his myspace ;)

Which is by the way

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