Friday 27 February 2009

For blog's sake.

It's a friday night, public transport has let me down, as expected, so I have the pleasure of a night in. Yawn.

So I thought, hey, I'll blog, just for the sake of it. Even if nobody reads it, I still feel I've got stuff off my chest and communicated to the world somehow.

SO what's on my mind? Sod all. Just a bit pissed that I'm not out loving life with a few bevvies in me. So I'll try and write something interesting. I mean, what's good? What have I got to look forward to? Focus on the positives.

I'm seeing Rusko tomorrow night at a cute little bar in Swansea, should be interesting. He's come up with some interesting stuff lately which will no doubt be played for all to hear tomorrow night.

He's kinda leaning towards cut and paste, bring that into dubstep. Always been a fan of the samples, Cockney Thug being the most obvious to spring to mind. I think Rusko's always been about the shock factor, you'll be dancing to a tune of his for the first time, then something will cut in, and make you stand still and just go "What?" and just do a double take. You'll desperately try and shout in your friend's ear and ask "Did you hear that too?".

I've noticed the trend with dubstep - there is no trend. Every artist puts their own spin on everything and have distinctive styles. Some go towards reggae, some take more influences from drum and bass, there are even hip-hop influences in there.

I first got into dubstep through Burial. To be fair, I don't really class Burial as dubstep myself, but when you start getting into Burial you tend to move onto what I'd class as real dubstep. Burial is to dubstep what cannibis is to class A drugs, if you were.

I really didn't like the whole dubstep thing to start with, but, like most music, it grew on me. When you start to recognise things that's when they become addictive, it's the same reason remixes are so popular.

So anyway, I was yapping on about seeing Rusko tomorrow night. Funny thing is, I found out today it's fancy dress, "Pimps and Hoes" night. I'm your average skinny white male, how am I going to look like a pimp? I hope I get let in, thinking of smart attire with a scruffy twist and trainers... maybe that will do it. Run-DMC were pimps, right?

And no, I'm not buying a bright orange/purple suit. Not for one night, all about economy me, only going in clothes I already own.

Next weekend should be better. No fancy dress, I can wear my classic polo shirt-jeans-trainers combo, and Caspa & Rusko at Valve, Sheffield. Humungous system, been told 120kw, not certain on that though. Still, I know it'll be the largest system I'll have experienced in my life.

The kind of bass that stops you from breathing and tickles your nostril hairs. Sounds absolutely mad, but that's what I've been told. Can't wait to see/hear/feel for myself.

Right, just about bored myself to death with that. Good piece of time filling anyway.

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